Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church

Members impact their community with their creativity and compassion


Hands & Feet, a ministry of the Altus Grace UWF, provides hygiene and laundry supplies to people in the community. Meghan Hull

The evening circle of United Women in Faith at Altus Grace UMC formed in January 2023. From this ecumenical group of working and retired ladies came the idea of a mission to assist others in our community with specific needs that are not being met. Hands & Feet was born. The group meets monthly for a meal and fellowship at the church, where people signup for the next Hands & Feet Mission. This mission provides basic personal hygiene items and laundry services for those that need assistance. Everyone deserves clean clothes and what better way to help those that need the most help than to wash their clothes. Volunteers from the group take 30 hygiene bags, change, laundry soap, and dryer sheets every fourth Saturday to White Swan Laundry. There have been months when the bags were all given out and the change has been spent. Several of the ladies will dig into their own pockets on these days to make sure people are served. Not only have the people of Altus and Jackson County been served, but it is truly a blessing for the volunteers as well. The ladies have witnessed God sightings and heart-warming experiences every month. The best is that not only do the ladies of this circle fund this adventure, but so do people throughout the community. What a blessing!

Meals and Ministry (M&M) began in April of 2023, the brainchild of Meghan Hull. She wanted a Sunday evening program for every child, ages one through 18. This ministry hit the ground running and has already grown to impact adults as well as kids.

At 5:30 p.m., we have a family style meal for everyone. The meal is prepared in the church kitchen, followed by cleanup and education.

There are classes for everyone and the fellowship during the grand exercise is felt throughout the halls.

Children under three are in the nursery with Bethany and Jesper; young people ages four to 12 meet in thelibrarypuppets are a bonus - and the rest of the youth meet in the youth room for games, movies and lessons. Adults meet in parlour, but there are plenty of opportunities to help regardless of your age or passion. Right now, Altus Grace adult class is diving into N.T. Wright’s “The New Testament You never Knew” with Michael Byrd. It’s explosive and challenging and the conversations are great.

The activity currently has from 35 to 40 weekly participants. Our true vision is to grow this into an outreach into our local community. We would appreciate all the prayers and provisions you can think of because we serve in one of the highest populations of food insecurity in the state. We have a passion to make a difference in the lives of all those around us. And we are just getting started!


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1501 N.W. 24th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73106-3635
Phone: 405-530-2000

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