Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church

CORR sets workshop to address prejudice


An Emmy Award-winning filmmaker will turn the spotlight on prejudice when he leads a one-day workshop on Saturday, Oct. 4, in Oklahoma City, sponsored by Oklahoma’s Commission on Religion & Race.

The program could not be more timely, said CORR Chairperson Rose Marie Leroy, pastor at Stilwell. She particularly noted the ongoing outrage nationwide after a police shooting last month in Ferguson, Mo., and resulting racial unrest in that St. Louis suburb.

Paul Saltzman of Canada, founder of Moving Beyond Prejudice, will teach the seminar, drawing from his 2012 documentary film "The Last White Knight."

After directing the documentary "Prom Night in Mississippi," Saltzman established the nonprofit program in 2011 to work with students, youth-at-risk, and community groups. He attended a White House screening of the movie and led discussion with the audience. He also has presented a TED Talk.

He is known for more than 300 film and TV productions and began his career in 1965.

CORR’s goal for the event is "to help people deal with their prejudice about people who are not like themselves," said Rev. Leroy. "If we are going to be the church to everyone and reach new people in new places, we need to be open to people who are not like us.

"We hope this gets the conversation going."

The Moving Beyond Prejudice workshop will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in The Great Hall of the McDaniel student center at Oklahoma City University.

Register online at https://okumc-reg.brtapp.com/MovingBeyondPrejudice  or on the day of the event. Cost, $25, includes lunch.


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Actor Morgan Freeman, right, appears in "The Last White Kight," a film by Paul Saltzman, left.


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