Charge (Church) Conference Forms


Quick Minutes - Minutes of the Charge/Church Conference
(records the votes and attendance of both the Pre-Charge Conference actions of the Church Council and of the Charge Conference.)

A copy of this form recording the pre-charge conference Admin/Church Council votes and attendance, should be submitted to the district office immediately after that Council meeting. The original, completed form should be submitted to the DA or DS at the Charge Conference with the record of those final votes and attendance added to it.

1. Narrative Report of the Pastor    
2. Lay Servant's Annual Report    

3. Pastor's Compensation and supporting forms

The 2017 Pastors Compensation Form will be sent to you via email invitation from the district office.  After completing, upload the form to the conference website accordingly and notify the District Administrator. If you have not received a copy of the form contact your district office.

The Pastor's Compensation Form includes the Church Pastor Compensation Report, Accountable Reimbursement, Housing Allowance in Lieu of Parsonage Resolution, Housing Exclusion Resolution, Before-Tax/After-Tax Contribution Agreement, and Health Insurance & Flexible Spending Account Election Guide. 


IMPORTANT - Flexible Spending Account Section Enrollment Form  - All clergy must enroll online enrollment for our Medical, Dental, Vision, and Section 125 enrollment.

To enroll go to:

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

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